-- Rishi: Installation Instructions -- :: Requirements: - Python 2.4 - Python Psyco (available at http://psyco.sourceforge.net/) - MySQLdb - JPGraph - proctitle (not required, but must be commented if it is not used) - http://rpm.pbone.net/index.php3/stat/3/srodzaj/2/search/python-proctitle-0.0.2-6.src.rpm - comment the import in line 44 - comment line 639 :: At least one is needed: - pcapy (available at http://oss.coresecurity.com/projects/pcapy.html) - ngrep - pypcap (available at http://code.google.com/p/pypcap/source/checkout) - recommended :: Installation: - download latest rishi tar - create new directory (e.g. rishi) - copy rishi tar to newly created directory - extract the tar - insert rishi table layout in MySQL database - change the rishi_main.conf file to fit your needs - set the correct network interface for rishi to listen on - set mysql server ip - set mysql username and password - set mysql table (default: rishi_storage) - start the software with "./rishi start" - stop the software with "./rishi stop" - restart the software with "./rishi restart" :: No MySQL Logging - if you do not wish to use mysql, comment all "mysql"-stuff in core/worker_class.py :: Website - edit connect.inc.php to fit your MySQL Server settings - edit jpgraph.php (e.g. /usr/share/jpgraph/jpgraph.php) and add following line if not already there: FF_ARIAL => array(FS_NORMAL=>'arial.ttf', FS_BOLD=>'arialbd.ttf', FS_ITALIC=>'ariali.ttf', FS_BOLDITALIC=>'arialbi.ttf' ) , - copy arial*.ttf from web directory to: /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/truetype/ /usr/share/fonts/truetype/ - this depends on which TTF directory is defined in your jpgraph.php :: Logging - all logging information are stored in the "logs" directory - rishi.log - contains general information, errors, and alive messages of the threads - stdout.log - contains stripped information about all logged IRC connections - suspicious.log - contains more detailed information about all logged IRC connections - bots.log - contains information about all logged IRC connections with a final score greater or equal than the threshold - collector.log - contains information about the collector threads - worker.log - contains information and errors of the worker threads, as well as unmatched IRC traffic - botqueue.log - contains error information about the botqueue :: Parameters - rishi can be executed with -a parameter to analyse a given file - each line of the file is considered an IRC nickname and will be checked against the analysis function - creates two new logfiles: detected.log and analysis.log - rishi can be executed with -u parameter to update the regular expressions